
Ethical Management

In order to create a fair and transparent ethical culture, GFC Life Science Co., Ltd. has established the following behavioral principles of correct behavior and value judgment that its executives and staff must adhere to. These principles are disclosed on our website to make sure all executives, staff, and stakeholders correctly understand and comply with our expectations.

Fundamental ethics of executives and staff
  1. 1. I shall conduct business fairly and in accordance with transparent and objective standards, strictly complying with relevant laws and regulations.
  2. 2. I shall not receive money, real estate, goods, gift certificates, other valuables, or entertainment from subsidiaries or other business partners in relation to my job.
  3. 3. I shall not use my superior position to commit unfair acts against stakeholders (employees, business partners, etc.).
  4. 4. I shall not use company assets for personal purposes, and shall not divulge or disclose company secrets and information acquired during work to parties inside or outside the company without approval.
Fundamental ethics of executives and staff
  1. 1. I shall always listen to and respect our clients’ opinions and suggestions, and I shall always keep my promises to our clients.
  2. 2. I shall take our clients’ needs and expectations as the ultimate criteria for making decisions, and I shall do my best to provide the best quality and service that is helpful to our clients and to create the value that our clients desire.
  3. 3. I shall recognize that our clients are the source of our company's growth, and I shall do my best to provide safe and stable products.
Ethics toward competitors and business partners
  1. 1. I shall respect the economic order in the market based on the principle of free competition and pursue fair and virtuous competition with our competitors with mutual respect.
  2. 2. In the contracts that the company implements, I shall provide equal opportunities to individuals and groups, sign and comply with honest contracts, and perform my duties fairly and transparently, and I shall not make unreasonable demands by taking advantage of my superior business position.
Ethics toward shareholders and investors
  1. 1. I shall maintain the health of our business and protect the long-term and stable interests of shareholders and investors by reducing costs and improving productivity.
  2. 2. I shall comply with the procedures for making business decisions and provide shareholders with sufficient information through transparent and reliable accounting processing in compliance with corporate accounting standards.
Ethics toward employees
  1. 1. I shall treat each employee as a dignified human being, establish a system for fair performance of duties, and shall do my best to ensure that employees attain a sense of pride and fulfillment through their work.
  2. 2. I shall encourage a sense of accomplishment and new motivation through fair evaluations based on an individual’s abilities and performance, and I shall not discriminate in managing personnel, including decisions to hire or promote an individual.
  3. 3. I shall continue to develop an educational system to train professional and creative talent, secure smooth communication channels, and support all employees to demonstrate their creativity.
  4. 4. I shall create a comfortable and safe working environment and support employees to improve their quality of life with health, education, and welfare benefits.
Ethics toward the state and society
  1. 1. Our company respects the values of the state and society, complies with relevant laws and regulations, and fulfills its social role and responsibility by developing the company through lawful and legitimate corporate activities.
  2. 2. Our company complies with all laws and standards regarding safety and does its best to prevent accidents for its employees through education and training.
  3. 3. Our company complies with relevant laws and regulations when conducting business and does not engage in unfair trade practices.